Employment Resources

Becoming A Business Partner(s):

  • Pre-screen- exploring pathway
  • On the job training provided
  • Assistance in creating a committed and skilled employee
  • Assistance in creating jobs for individuals with special skills within your business
  • Continued support
  • One on one job coaching
  • *Possibility of State assistance for the client to work within a business

Client Services

  • Assessment/Discovery process
  • Life Skills-Based Training
  • Employment Preparation/skills
  • Advocacy
  • Pre-employment services
  • Placement
  • Job Coaching
  • Community Networking
  • UTA Bus Training

State Of Utah Services

  • Customized Employment/Discovery (CE)
  • Supported Employment (SE)
  • Supported Job-Based Training (SJBT)
  • Job Placement & Preparation (JPP)
  • Job Readiness
  • Financial Literacy
  • Employment Skills
  • Life Skills

Client Services Links


*Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) / *Disabled Access Tax Credit for Small Businesses




